Battlegrounds Mobile India's (BGMI) Early Access was released earlier this month to Android users, enabling the Indian PUBG Mobile community to finally experience the game after enduring months of anticipation. Additionally, the option for data transfer allows these players to retrieve their items from the previous application.
This version has received a great deal of response from players as the slots have been filled to capacity. The developers then decided to open it up to everyone. Furthermore, all the progress will be carried over to the final version.
A number of questions remain unanswered by developers even after the release of the Early Access version, notably the launch date and availability on iOS devices.
So, I personally go to support section of Battlegrounds Mobile India's (BGMI) website and ask a question about launch date for ios users.
Feedback image is here:
So you have to keep checking their websites and social media handle:
Pre-registration Website:
Official YouTube:
Official Facebook:
Official Instagram :
On the other hand, Hrishav, founder of “WAR MANIA ESPORTS,” quoted this about BGMI’s final version:
“The game would be coming out before or on July 12th, which is also the date when the next season would be released.”
About the release on iOS devices, he said that:
“On the day of the final release, BGMI would be made available for the iOS platform.”
Battlegrounds Mobile India - PUBG Mobile India's desi version - was launched officially in India on Friday (July 2). However, Battlegrounds Mobile India's official version is available for download on Google Play Store i.e. only for Android users. There is no need to download the Battlegrounds Mobile India APK from third-party stores. This also means that iPhone users will have to wait until Krafton announces the Battlegrounds Mobile India iOS app. We can expect an official announcement on the same very soon.
Users who have already downloaded the early access version can update the app to get the official version. Currently, the game is available only for Android smartphone users.
Players who have downloaded the early access version can visit the app’s Play Store listing and update it. Players can also collect the Constable Set (permanent), which is a reward for 10 million downloads from the in-game events section. Krafton has also extended the duration to collect the ‘India ka Battlegrounds’ gift reward, 1 million and 5 million downloads reward till August 19.
Download and install Battlegrounds Mobile India on Android devices:
Step 1: Users must use this link to join the testing program for Battlegrounds Mobile India.
Step 2: Once they have become a tester, they should tap the "download" button on the Google Play option.
Step 3: Users will be redirected to the game's page on the Google Play Store.
Step 4: Tap the "Install" button. The game will be automatically downloaded and installed.